Do you want to know how to make a tasty spinach and carrot juice? Here’s the 3-step recipe and more.
Best of all, preparation takes no more than 5 minutes.
Where do we start?
- A blender.
- Large glass or cup.
- Knife or vegetable peeler.

The ingredients are:
- A handful or 1 cup of spinach.
- 1 medium carrot.
- 1 cup of water.
Spinach and carrot juice – Recipe
This recipe consists of 3 easy steps.
- First, wash the spinach and remove the tips of the stems. Remember that many microbes tend to hide in green leaves.
- Next, peel the carrot with a knife or vegetable peeler, rinse it and cut it into large pieces.
- Blend everything (clean spinach, peeled carrot and water) until smooth. If necessary, you can add a little more water and blend again to obtain a more liquid juice.
Main benefits
There’re a few key points to keep in mind about this drink:
- It’s high in antioxidants. These substances help prevent diseases by fighting free radicals.
- Also, includes fiber and water, so it may promote body cleansing and the boost digestive health.
- It contains few calories (about 31 kcal per cup). Therefore, it may help satiate hunger without exceeding the calories allowed by the diet.
There’s more specific information about the ingredients in our sections: spinach and carrot.
So, is spinach and carrot juice useful for weight loss?
If combined with a proper eating plan and habits, it may be. According to what we saw above, this juice may:
- Help satiate hunger without eating too much.
- Promote bowel movements and ease bloating.
Anyway, there’re several key factors when it comes to losing weight (for example, physical exercise and overall diet). For more recipes and information on the subject, visit our post on juices to lose weight.
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