Here’s a list with all our recipes ordered from the newest to the oldest. Which one do you want to start with?
Walnut, Carrot and Turmeric Smoothie
Walnut, carrot and turmeric smoothie may help with stress and anxiety. Plus, it’s delicious. Do…
Lettuce, Almond and Kiwi Smoothie
Lettuce, almond and kiwi smoothie may help against stress and anxiety, among other benefits. Here’s…
Broccoli, Watermelon and Banana Juice (K: 909 mg)
Broccoli, watermelon and banana juice is loaded with potassium, among other nutrients. Also, it’s tasty…
Chard and Melon Juice (K: 1504 mg)
Chard and melon juice helps to recover potassium with few ingredients. And here’s how to…
Lettuce, Avocado and Coconut Water Smoothie (K: 2029 mg)
The lettuce, avocado and coconut water smoothie is packed with potassium, among other nutrients. Here’s…
Spinach, Kiwi, Beet, Orange and Almond Smoothie (K: 871 mg)
Do you want to prepare a delicious spinach, kiwi, beet, orange and almond smoothie? Here’s…
Papaya, Celery, Carrot and Apple Juice (K: 845 mg)
Do you want to know how to make a tasty papaya, celery, carrot and apple…
Kiwi, Carrot and Avocado Juice
Kiwi, carrot and avocado juice is loaded with antioxidants (beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin) and vitamins C…
Spinach, Orange and Flax / Chia Seed Smoothie
Spinach, orange and flax / chia seed smoothie may help prevent vision problems. Would you…
Strawberry, Broccoli and Almond Smoothie
Strawberry, broccoli and almond smoothie combines antioxidants that may improve eye health. And best of…