Here’s a list with all our recipes ordered from the newest to the oldest. Which one do you want to start with?
Carrot, Apple and Celery Juice
Carrot, apple and celery juice is loaded with fiber and potassium, two key ingredients that…
Pear, Broccoli, Celery, Lemon and Chia / Flax Smoothie
Pear, broccoli, celery, lemon and chia / flax smoothie has potassium, so it may help…
Celery and Grapefruit Juice
Celery and grapefruit juice includes fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium and protein. Also, it’s very easy…
Ginger, Spinach, Celery and Banana Juice
Ginger, spinach, celery and banana juice has about 600 mg of potassium, among other substances…
Coconut Water and Lemon Juice
Coconut water and lemon juice is loaded with potassium and other nutrients that may help…
Cucumber, Garlic and Beet Juice
Cucumber, garlic and beet juice is loaded with nutrients that may help against blood pressure…
Oat, Banana, Avocado, Milk and Flax / Chia Smoothie (622 Kcal)
Oat, banana, avocado, milk and flax / chia smoothie is loaded with calories, nutrients and…
Banana, Walnut, Oat, Cocoa and Milk Smoothie (373 Kcal)
Banana, walnut, oat, cocoa and milk smoothie is packed with calories, so it may help…
Coconut, Peanut and Milk Smoothie (416 Kcal)
Coconut, peanut and milk smoothie is high in calories, so it may be useful in…
Papaya, Walnut and Milk Smoothie (271 Kcal)
Papaya, walnut and milk smoothie is delicious and easy to make. It combines plenty of…