Are you looking for a simple drink, with fiber and detox? Then, prune, oat and flax / chia seed smoothie may be right for you.
Would you like to try it? Here’s the recipe.
- Blender.
- A jar.
- Strainer.
- A cup.

- 10 soaked (optional) prunes.
- 1 tablespoon of soaked (optional) flax or chia seeds.
- 2 tablespoons of soaked (optional) oats.
- A little more than ½ liter (2 cups) of water.
Note: By soaking the ingredients, we make them more digestible.
Recipe: Prune, oat and flax / chia seed smoothie
For this recipe, we’ll follow 3 steps:
- First, put the seeds and prunes to soak with ½ liter of water overnight or about 4 to 10 hours. Also, in another container, cover the oats with water and let them soak for the same amount of time.
- Then, strain the oats and put them with the seeds, prunes and the ½ liter of water in the blender cup.
- Finally, blend everything until there’re no lumps.
And that’s it! Now you know how to make this wonderful drink and surprise you loved ones.
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