Here’s how to make an exquisite 100% natural pomegranate juice with blender or juicer. Also, its benefits and more.
Do you want to prepare this recipe at home? Next, the easy explanation.
Where do we start?
It’s key to have the following at hand:
- A blender or citrus squeezer.
- Large glass or cup.
- A knife.
- A spoon.

These’re the ingredients and quantities:
- 2 medium pomegranates.
- Optional: If you use a blender, a little water (1/4 cup).
Pomegranate juice – Recipe
For the recipe, follow 3 simple steps:
- Start by rinsing the pomegranates and cutting them in half.
- If using a blender, extract the seeds from the 4 pomegranate halves by tapping on their rinds or with a spoon. Then, blend the seeds for about 20 seconds or until there’re not many visible lumps. On the other hand, if you use a citrus squeezer, process all 4 pomegranate halves and most of the solids will be trapped in the tool.
- Finally, serve and enjoy this great drink! Optional: You can add a little water or filter the result to obtain a more liquid consistency.
That’s all! Now you can surprise your loved ones with this recipe.
What’s pomegranate juice good for? Properties / Benefits
According to experts, pomegranates may help fight high blood pressure, cholesterol, oxidative stress, glucose spikes and inflammation, among its main benefits. This is largely due to its high amount of polyphenols.
On the other hand, its fiber (4 g per 100 g) and water (78%) may contribute to detoxify the body, improve circulation and promote digestive health.
To note: Although it’s many benefits, remember not to overconsume this juice. It’s important to follow a balanced, healthy and adequate diet for your body.
Did you find this recipe helpful? You can learn a more about juices here.
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