Pineapple, parsley and apple juice is loaded with iron, folate and vitamin C, among other nutrients. Plus, it’s delicious.
Do you want to try it? Here’s the detailed recipe.
Before you begin, you should’ve the following nearby:
- Juicer / juice extractor or blender.
- A knife.
- A cup.

Next, the ingredients.
- 1 slice of pineapple.
- A handful of parsley.
- 1 apple.
- 1 cup (250ml) of water.
Recipe: Pineapple, parsley and apple juice
The recipe’s very easy to make.
- Cut, peel and rinse the pineapple. Be careful when using sharp tools!
- Remove the stems from the parsley and rinse the rest.
- Chop, core and rinse the apple.
- Blend everything with water for about 60 seconds or process with a juice extractor. Note: If using a juicer, it is not necessary to add water.
Finally, serve and enjoy this exquisite drink.
Did you like this recipe? We invite you to learn about other juices for anemia here.
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