Carrot and pineapple juice is especially light and tasty. Plus, it’s easy to make.
Among its properties, it’s full of anti-inflammatories and antioxidants (such as bromelain, found in pineapple, which has shown positive results in studies on arthritis). You can see more information on the subject and other juices for arthritis here.
Would you like to prepare this delicious drink at home? Here’s how.
Equipment and utensils
Before starting, you should’ve a few things close by:
- Blender or juice extractor.
- A knife.
- Vegetable peeler (optional).
- A cup or large glass.

The ingredients are:
- 1 carrot.
- 1 slice of pineapple.
- A cup of water.
Recipe: Carrot and pineapple juice
- Peel, chop and rinse the carrot. Be careful when using sharp tools!
- Cut and peel the pineapple.
- Blend everything with water for 1 minute or process with an extractor and without water.
Now you can surprise your loved ones with this simple, fast and light recipe.
Do you like this type of content? You can see more about juices here.
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