Papaya, grape and plum juice is full of antioxidants and other useful nutrients to promote circulation and prevent diseases. Also, it’s especially delicious.
Do you want to try this recipe at home? If so, read on for a step-by-step explanation.
- Juicer or blender.
- A knife.
- A cup.

We need the following:
- 1 cup of papaya chunks, without seeds and peel.
- ½ cup of grapes.
- 2 plums without stone / pit.
- 1 cup or 250 ml of water.
Recipe: Papaya, grape and plum Juice
- To begin, as always, we must rinse the food that we’re going to use.
- Then, cut the amount of papaya that fits in a cup, remove its peel and seeds with the help of the knife. Also, cut the plums in half to remove their stones.
- When the above is ready, process all the ingredients with a blender or juicer. If you use the latter, you won’t need to add the cup of water.
- Finally, serve and enjoy this wonderful drink.
If you found this post helpful, you can find more recipes and information about juices here.
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