Oat, banana, avocado, milk and flax / chia smoothie is loaded with calories, nutrients and flavor.
Do you want to prepare it? Read on to learn how in a few easy steps.
- Blender.
- A knife.
- A spoon.
- A cup or glass.

- 2 tablespoons of soaked (optional) oats.
- 1 peeled banana.
- 1 avocado without the seed.
- A tablespoon of soaked (optional) chia seeds.
- A cup (250 ml) of milk.
Recipe: Oat, banana, avocado, milk and flax / chia smoothie
- First, put the oats and your chosen seeds (chia or flax) in a cup / glass full of water and wait for about 8 hours. Although soaking’s optional, it makes the smoothie easier to digest.
- Then, peel the banana, cut the avocado in half, remove its seed and carefully peel it with a knife.
- When the above is ready, gather all the ingredients in the blender and process them until obtaining a smoothie with the desired consistency. If necessary, add a little water and blend again.
- Finally, serve and enjoy!
Do you like this kind of recipes? You can find more information and weight gainer shakes here.
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