Making a nopal, celery and chia / flax seed smoothie is very simple. Also, it provides a good amount of fiber, among other nutrients.
Next, we explain the step-by-step so that you can prepare it at home easily.
- A blender.
- A knife.
- Glass or cup.

Here’s what we’re going to use.
- 1 peeled nopal leaf.
- 2 sticks of celery.
- 1 tablespoon of soaked (optional) chia or flax seeds.
- 1 cup or 250 ml of water.
Recipe: Nopal, celery and chia / flax seed smoothie
- Before starting with the drink, we’re going to put the chosen seeds (chia or flax) in a cup full of water and let them soak for around 2 to 8 hours. This will help us to digest them more easily.
- Next, we need to wash the rest of the ingredients. In particular, celery may contain many bacteria.
- Then, we’ve to peel the nopal to remove its layer of spines, put all the ingredients in the blender and process them well until there’re no lumps.
- Finally, serve and enjoy this delicious juice.
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