Banana, parsley and kiwi juice is packed with fiber and antioxidants, among other nutrients. Also, it’s very easy to make.
Below is the step by step recipe.
To start, we need to make sure that we’ve the following at hand:
- Juice extractor or blender.
- A knife.
- Our favorite cup.

These’re the ingredients we need:
- A handful of parsley.
- 1 kiwi.
- 1 banana.
- If you use a blender, 1 cup of water.
Recipe: Banana, parsley and kiwi juice
- Remove parsley stems and rinse. This is to remove possible excess of microbes or dirt.
- Peel, chop and rinse the kiwi – be careful when using sharp tools!
- Peel and cut the banana.
- Finally, blend everything with the water for 60 seconds or process it with a juicer. If you use a juicer, you don’t need to add the cup of water.
That’s all! You can now surprise your loved ones with this wonderful recipe.
If you found this helpful, we invite you to learn more recipes and information about juices here.
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