Banana and blackberry juice is tasty and very easy to make. Also, it’s great for recovering energy.
Do you want to prepare it? Here’s how step by step.
First of all, you should’ve the following nearby:
- Juice extractor or blender.
- A knife (optional).
- A cup.

We’ll use 3 ingredients.
- 1 peeled banana.
- ½ cup of blackberries.
- A cup of water.
Recipe: Banana and blackberry juice
As we said before, the recipe’s very simple to make.
- First, wash the blackberries until they’re clean.
- Then, peel the banana with your hands or with the help of a knife. Beware of sharp tools!
- When the above is ready, process all the ingredients with a blender or juicer. If you use the latter, you don’t need to include the cup of water.
- Finally, serve the drink.
To note: This drink and most of the ones we share must be accompanied by a diet and habits in line with your health goals.
Did you like this juice? We’ve more energy shakes here.
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