10 Juices to Boost Defenses: Quick Recipes


Are you looking for juices to boost your defenses? Here we show you how to make some potentially useful ones and what you need to know about the subject.

Our immune system is responsible for protecting us against the germs that surround us every day. And eating a diet with enough nutrients is key to promoting healthy body cells, including immune cells.

Here’re the 10 juice recipes to boost your defenses. Later we’ll tell you more about the ingredients and other tips to keep in mind.

Juices to boost defenses: Recipes / Preparations

Before we begin, it’s worth noting a few points:

  • These juices aren’t meal replacements.
  • It’s important to wash all fruits and vegetables before processing.
  • If you want more liquid results, add a little water.

Let’s go with the recipes!

How many juices to boost defenses can be drunk per day?

You can try a different one every morning and see how you feel. By doing so, you’ll start each day with a nice dose of nutrients to reduce the chances of getting sick.

About the ingredients

The foods we used in recipes above have several essential nutrients for the immune system to work well. These include proteins, vitamins A, C, E, B-6, zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid and water.

Here’s some specific info on each of these substances.

To note: food nutritional data are from FoodData Central.


They’re essential for disease prevention. We need them for the immune system to function properly.

In general, many experts recommend a daily intake of 0.8 g of protein per kg of body weight for adults. For example, someone weighing 80 kg would consume 64 g of protein per day. Some people, such as athletes, may need higher doses.

These substances are usually found in some plant foods, such as soybeans, and in several animal products, such as meat and eggs.

Some foods (such as bananas or broccoli) also include these nutrients, but to a lesser extent.


It’s a key substance to synthesize proteins. Therefore, it may help boost the immune system.

Specialists recommend a daily folate intake of 400 mcg for adults.

Finally, green leafy vegetables are particularly rich in this nutrient.


Nutrients are essential for the immune system and overall health. And we need to keep the body hydrated to transport nutrients through the blood to the organs.

Also, water is important for body cleansing. That is, it helps to eliminate foreign invaders and wastes.

Experts from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recommend a daily water intake of 2.7 l for women and 3.7 l for men. These values include water from food.

In general, the ingredients we used in the juices above include high percentages of water (>80% of total weight).

Vitamin C

According to research, this substance contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions. Among its properties, it’s worth highlighting the following:

  • It supports the epithelial barrier function against pathogens and works as an antioxidant. That is, it helps protect against environmental oxidative stress.
  • Also, it builds up in the cells and may promote the destruction of microbes.

On the other hand, according to experts from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the recommended daily intake of vitamin C for people 19 years old is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men. For smokers, higher doses are recommended.

Finally, papaya, broccoli, pineapple, kiwi, parsley and citrus fruits are some examples of foods particularly rich in this nutrient.


Some plant foods, such as flax / chia seeds, broccoli, cucumber or parsley, contain this nutrient. However, animal products, such as eggs or meat, usually include a higher quantity.

According to a study published in 2017, both deficiency and excess of zinc may cause serious disturbances of immune function. Therefore, it’s important to maintain healthy levels of this substance.

In general, the recommended daily intake of zinc for adults is 11 mg for men and 8 mg for women.


According to a study conducted in 2019, deficiency of this compound may be associated with the possibility of contracting viruses.

The NIH recommends a daily selenium intake of 55 mcg for those over 14 years of age.

Finally, broccoli, chia / flax seeds and bananas are examples of plant foods with this nutrient.


This is a key component of the immune response. However, according to research, both too much and too little of it may increase susceptibility to infections.

In general, the recommended daily intake of iron varies depending on gender, age, pregnancy and lactation. Below, you can see these values for people over 19 years old, according to a book from the Institute of Medicine (United States).

  • Women: 18 mg for those over 19 years of age, 8 mg for those over 51 years of age, 27 mg for pregnant women and 9 mg for lactating women between 19 and 50 years of age.
  • Men: 8 mg for those over 19 years of age.

On the other hand, green leafy vegetables, such as parsley, are rich sources of this nutrient.

Vitamin A

According to research, this substance is key to help reduce inflammation and improve defenses against various infectious diseases. Among its functions, it protects the body’s tissues and mucous.

Experts recommend that those over 14 years of age consume 900 mcg of vitamin A if they’re male, or 700 mcg if they’re female.

Finally, parsley, broccoli and spinach, along with orange and yellow fruits, are excellent sources of this nutrient.

Vitamin B-6

Bananas are especially rich in this substance.

According to a study, a deficiency of this nutrient could reduce white blood cells and negatively affect the immune system.

On the other hand, the recommended daily intake of this vitamin varies between 1.3 mg and 1.7 mg for adults over 19 years of age.


According to research, adequate copper levels are associated with a well-functioning immune system.

On the other hand, for adults over 19 years of age, it’s recommended a daily intake of 0.9 mg of copper.

In general, there’re several green leafy vegetables, seeds and fruits containing significant quantities of this nutrient.

Pregnancy and lactation, greater needs

In these cases, the daily nutritional needs of the substances mentioned above may be higher, except for iron. Above you can see the recommendations for this nutrient.

Are these juices useful to increase white blood cells?

They may help you maintain healthy white blood cell levels and reduce the chance of disease.

However, juicing is only a small part of the things you can do when it comes to strengthening your immune system.

More foods to strengthen the immune system

Here’re 2 other options that may help you boost your defenses.

  • Garlic: According to experts, garlic could help prevent diseases, just like ginger.
  • Olive oil: This food proved to be a potential anti-inflammatory with positive effects on the immune system.

Key tips to boost defenses

Here’re some tips to keep in mind.

  • Eat a healthy diet: In general, fruits and vegetables have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help prevent disease.
  • Keep the body hydrated: As we saw before, this is a key point for overall health.
  • Exercise: According to experts, regular and moderate physical activity may reduce inflammation and help white blood cells regenerate regularly.
  • Avoid obesity: According to some studies, this problem may cause inflammation and negative changes in immunity against infections, among other health problems.
  • Get enough sleep: Evidence shows that this may boost your immune system. Also, if you’re sick and get enough sleep, your body may be better able to fight off the illness.
  • Reduce Stress: In the long term, stress can negatively affect immune system responses and increase inflammation. To reduce it, you can do meditation, exercise, yoga or other activities to calm your mind.

Juices to boost defenses: final notes

If you’ve allergy symptoms or discomfort after consuming any of the drinks or foods in this article, we recommend that you stop doing so and visit your doctor.

Our opinions don’t replace those of a qualified healthcare professional.

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Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Drinks, Juices
Cuisine American, Mediterranean
Servings 1 person
Keyword juices to boost defenses

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