Do you want to make a delicious soursop juice? Here’s the easy recipe, its benefits and warnings.
This fruit is found in different areas of America, Europe and Africa such as: Puerto Rico, Mexico, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea and Spain, among others.
Where do we start?
- A blender.
- A knife.
- Large glass or cup.

You need the following ingredients and quantities:
- 1/2 cup of ripe soursop pulp without seeds.
- 1 cup (250 ml) of water or milk.
Note: Ready-to-eat soursop feels soft to the touch.
Recipe: Soursop juice with milk or water
The process consists of only 3 steps.
- First, make shallow cuts in the fruit’s skin and peel it with your hands. If it’s ripe, you’ll notice that the skin will easily peel away from the pulp.
- Then, cut the pulp into pieces and remove all the seeds with your hands or a knife. It’s important to remove all of them and not eat them because they may be toxic.
- Blend half a cup of pulp with a cup of water or milk for about 20 seconds or until smooth. If you’ve leftover pulp, you can freeze it in a sealed container and consume it later in the week.
That’s all! Now you can serve and enjoy the result!
What’re the benefits of soursop juice?
Half a cup (112.5 g) of soursop pulp has the following nutrients:
- Fiber: 3.71 g.
- Water: 81%.
- Potassium: 313 mg.
- Antioxidants such as vitamin C.
- Magnesium, iron, folate, calcium, phosphorus and others.
With this in mind, moderate consumption of its juice may have several positive effects. Here we highlight a few of them.
- Promote intestinal transit, detoxify and improve digestive health. Because of its high amount of fiber and water.
- Improve and prevent circulation problems. To a large extent, due to its combination of fiber, water, potassium and antioxidants.
- Protect the body from disease-causing microbes. Due to its folate, water, vitamin C, other antioxidants, iron and more substances.
- Prevent some conditions caused by oxidative stress. In a 2014 study, it was concluded that soursop extract may prevent damage caused by cellular oxidants.
You can learn more about these topics in our sections: constipation, detox, circulation and boosting defenses.
How many calories does soursop juice contain?
The number varies depending on whether it’s made with milk or water.
- A cup of soursop juice with milk has about 220 kcal.
- On the other hand, the recipe with water includes about 74 kcal.
In this sense, if you’re looking to lose some weight by consuming fewer calories than you burn, you may prefer the recipe with water. There’s more information in our weight loss post.
According to experts, here’re some general recommendations to keep in mind.
- Avoid eating the fruit seeds. They’ve toxic compounds which may cause harmful side effects.
- Consult your doctor before consuming soursop if you’re taking any medication. It may have unwanted interactions with medications for high blood pressure or diabetes.
- Remember not to overeat this food. Its excessive intake may cause problems similar to those of Parkinson’s disease (stiff muscles and slow movements), among others.
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