Date, banana and oat smoothie is great to start the day with a good dose of energy. Plus, it’s delicious.
Do you want to know how to make it in a few minutes? Here’s the detailed explanation.
First, you should make sure you’ve the following at home:
- A blender.
- A knife (optional).
- Your favorite cup.

All the ingredients we’ll use are:
- 2 dates without stone or solid center.
- 1 peeled banana.
- 1 tablespoon of soaked (optional) oats.
- A cup (250 ml) of water.
Recipe: Date, banana and oat smoothie
For the recipe, we’ve to follow 3 steps:
- First, put the oats in a cup or bowl filled with water and wait about 6 hours or until they’re soft. Although this is optional, it’ll make them more digestible.
- Then, peel the banana with your hands or with the help of a knife. Remove the stones from the dates as well – be careful not to cut yourself with the knife!
- Finally, blend all the ingredients for about 30 seconds, pour the result in your favorite cup and enjoy this tasty drink!
Would you like to learn more recipes? We’ve other energy shakes here.
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