Avocado and walnut smoothie is exquisite, energetic and easy to make. Also, it’s made with very few ingredients.
Do you want to try it? Here’s the detailed recipe.
Before you begin, make sure you’ve the following nearby:
- A blender.
- A knife.
- Nutcracker (optional).
- Your favorite cup.

Next, the ingredients that we need.
- 1 avocado without its seed.
- 5 peeled walnuts.
- A cup or 250 ml of water.
Recipe: Avocado and Walnut Smoothie
- First, let’s cut the avocado in half, remove its skin and seed. Be careful when handling the knife!
- Next, crack the walnuts and peel them.
- Finally, blend it all (including water) until the smoothie’s ready. Remember that here you can add more water and blend again to obtain a more liquid result.
That ‘s it! Now you can make and enjoy this great smoothie with your family.
To note: This recipe and most of the ones we share must be combined with habits and a diet that allows you to achieve your health goals.
Want to know more about this wonderful world? We’ve more juice recipes here.
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