10 Juices for Circulation: Easy Recipes


Are you looking for juices for circulation? Here we show you how to make some potentially useful ones and what you need to know about the subject.

Circulation problems may be due to smoking, obesity or diabetes, among other causes. Whatever the reason, it’s important to treat them in time.

These juices may help you improve and prevent these conditions, but they should be accompanied by healthy habits. Don’t worry, we’ll talk about this later.

First, it’s worth noting a few points:

  • Juices don’t replace meals.
  • Wash all ingredients before processing to remove possible dirt and microbes.
  • It’s recommended to blend everything and not filtering anything. By doing so, you’ll be taking advantage of most of the available fiber.
  • If you want a more liquid result after processing, add a little water.
  • You can drink a different juice every day and see how you feel. By doing so, you’ll be consuming the nutrients from all the ingredients.

Let’s go with the recipes!

Juices for circulation: Recipes / Preparations

Juices for circulation: Information on the ingredients

The ingredients we’ve chosen are rich in fiber, water, potassium, antioxidants and nitrates, among other nutrients. These compounds may be useful to improve blood circulation.

Here’re some details on each of these key nutrients.

Fiber, water and potassium

According to some studies, the consumption of dietary fiber may be inversely related to cardiovascular diseases and other health problems. From the American Heart Association, it’s recommended to consume 25 g of fiber daily for a 2000 calorie diet. This number may be higher or lower, depending on the calories needed, age, and gender.

On the other hand, according to a 2019 study, acute lack of hydration can impair vascular function and blood pressure regulation. Therefore, it’s important to drink enough water every day. In general, from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, it’s recommended that women consume 2.7 l of water per day, and men, 3.7 l daily. This includes water from food.

Finally, according to some studies with mice, potassium deficiency could cause stiffness and calcification of the arteries. Plus, it could lead to high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. The World Health Organization recommends that adults consume 3510 mg (or more) of potassium per day from food.

Nutrient table

Here you can see the quantities of fiber, water and potassium contained in the ingredients we used in the juices above, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

If you can’t see all the columns, slide the table.

Turmeric – Tablespoon (9.4 g)2.1319613%
Orange – Unit (154 g)3.727987%
Lemon juice – Unit (48 g)0.144992%
Carrot – Unit (61 g)1.7119588%
Apple – Unit (200 g)4.821486%
Beet – Unit (80 g)2.2426088%
Grapefruit – Unit (308 g)4.9341688%
Strawberries – Unit (18 g)0.362891%
Banana – Unit (126 g)3.2845175%
Tangerine – Unit (88 g)1.58146 85%
Cucumber – Unit (200 g)1294 95%
Parsley – Cup (60 g)1.98332 88%
Nopal – Cup (86 g)1.89221 94%
Celery – Stalk (40 g)0.64104 95%
Pineapple – Cup (165 g)2.31180 86%
Papaya – Cup (165 g)2.8300 88%
Grapes – Cup (150 g)1.35286 81%
Plums – Unit (75 g)1.05118 87%
Ginger – Tablespoon (2 g)0.048 79%
Watermelon – Cup (152 g)0.6117091%
Spinach – Cup (30 g)0.6616791%
Broccoli – Stalk (151 g)3.9347789%


Mainly, they slow down or delay cell deterioration / oxidation.

These compounds are found in fruits, vegetables and plants, such as those we used in our juice recipes for circulation. Vitamins C and E are some examples of nutrients that may slow oxidation.

According to experts, diets rich in antioxidants could help prevent cardiovascular diseases and improve circulation.


They’re found in fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables such as parsley and celery (ingredients used in the juices above).

These compounds help produce nitric oxide, a vasodilator that may allow better blood flow.

In this regard, a 2018 study suggests that a diet rich in nitrates may help regulate blood pressure.

More foods to consider

Here’re some other options that may help you improve blood circulation:

  • Garlic and onion: They work as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. That is, they may reduce inflammation of veins and arteries, facilitating circulation.
  • Nuts: According to a 2019 study, they may improve vascular function.
  • Tomato: In addition to its high water content (95%), fiber and potassium, it has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound (lycopene) that, according to a 2018 study, may improve vascular function and contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular problems. This substance is also found in berries and red / orange vegetables such as watermelon and papaya (ingredients we used in recipes above).

Key tips

Finally, here’re some general tips to promote a healthy circulatory system.

  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and exercise: this stimulates blood flow and vasodilation, reducing the risk of diseases.
  • Quitting smoking: According to experts, this is key to prevent several diseases, such as circulatory diseases.
  • Avoiding overweight or obesity: Evidence shows that excess weight generates an accumulation of fat that may lead to circulatory system diseases.
  • Diet: Ideally, visit a nutritionist and follow an eating plan according to your body. This may improve circulation and overall health.

If you found this useful, you may also like our information on juices to fight cholesterol, lose weight and lower blood sugar.

Juices for circulation: final notes

If you’ve allergy symptoms or discomfort after consuming any of the drinks or foods in this article, we recommend that you stop doing so and visit your doctor.

Our opinions don’t replace those of a qualified healthcare professional.

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Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Drinks, Juices
Cuisine American, Mediterranean
Servings 1 person
Keyword juices for blood circulation, juices for circulation

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